First I got this ADORABLE bag at Kohls. Originally priced $49 it was on sale for around $25 and my mommy had a coupon for 30% off. Super cute and very practical. The strap enables the bag to be cross body, or like a normal hand bag and it's the perfect size for me.
Then I picked up these earrings. Their really pretty, Sterling Silver earrings with some type of gemstone. Sorry for the lack of description, I tried to find them online but with no luck.
Then, in the juniors section I picked up this ruffly top from Mudd. It's a size medium, and it laying on the floor does it no justice. It's actually very cute and flattering on. It was on sale for about $18 and with my mom's 30% it was perfect! Cute for the spring/summer time.
After Kohl's, we headed off to Target where I picked up a few ELF products and a nail polish. The first item I picked up was the elf Eyebrow Kit in Medium. I was going to pick up the Maybelline Define-a-brow, but I saw this and decided to pick up a powder instead. I've tried a few brow pencils, but never a powder, so why not?
I also picked up the Elf Professional Eyeshadow Brush. I only have one shading brush and it is gigantic, so I wanted a normal sized one. This was only a dollar, so I couldn't pass it up.
Before I purchased my Urban Decay Primer Potion, I tried to find this. I went looking for it in 3 different Targets, multiple times, but I could never find it. I bit the bullet, payed the $19 for the primer, and now I found it! Although I love my Urban Decay Primer Potion, I would love a primer that's just as good but cheaper. I'll try it out, and if I don't love it? It was only a dollar.
So unto Wal-Mart! I went there looking for two main things. Hard Candy Glamoflauge and a makeup organizer. I found one of them, but not the other.
I only recently started wearing pencil eyeliner, so I hadn't really needed a pencil sharpener and when I did, I would use my mom's. But I decided I needed a new one, so I picked up this one from NYC. It was the cheapest one at Wal-mart and is a double pencil sharpener, so you could sharpen normal pencils and bigger "jumbo" pencils.
Then the last two things I bought were nail polishes. Although I avoided picked up Ballet Slippers because there was an obvious color dupe right next to it, these two Essie nail polishes didn't have any dupes in the whole cosmetics section.
First up, Chincilly! This gorgeous grey/brown/taupe neutral is gorgeous. It's pretty commonly known and the color is really pretty. I hope it works well with my super pale skin tone.
Then the second one I picked up was Dive Bar, a really deep purple/blue duochrome. I was wanted a really dark, almost black color, and this duochrome just screamed at me in the store!
For some reason, the picture totally disappeared and since I'm tired, I'm not going to take another one, but I picked up the NYC Kohl Eyeliner in White for my waterline.
So that is my haul. I will probably go and pick up Falsies tomorrow and maybe something else to get to the $10 required to get 3.50 off.
All things were bought by me, except for the purse and shirt which were gifted to me by my mom.
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